Utilize the covering box to simply store.


第1步. 準備數張白紙,每張尺寸以方便放入盒蓋裏為準。
Step 1. Prepare several papers which fit into the covering box.


第2步. 將拼圖依單張白紙內的尺寸,分大範圍拆開。
Step 2. Divide the puzzle according to the size of the papers.


第3步. 將拼圖依序放入白紙上方,再一層一層疊放。
Step 3. Put the divided parts on the papers, then stack them to layers.


第4步. 將疊放好的白紙與拼圖完整放入拼圖包裝上蓋裏。
Step 4. Place the layers into the covering box's upper lid.


第5步. 將拼圖包裝盒下蓋的底部,壓上最上面的拼圖。
Step 5. Place the bottom lid of the covering box upside down on the first layer.


第6步. 使用紙膠帶或橡皮筋固定住,就可以方便收藏。
Step 6. Finally, use tapes or rubber bands to fix and store the completed puzzle.